Mostly people said that snacking especially late at night give bad impact. That statement is not wrong because at night body does not need extra energy. So it is true if snacking will increase your weight. Moreover, snacking can caused cavities because the remaining food after snacking.
On the other hand, snacking is recommended for students. The reason is snacking will keep blood sugar levels. Normally four hours after meal you will be hungry. It is caused by Low blood sugar levels resulting in lower concentrations. At that time we need to snacking some snacks. Snacks can increase blood sugar levels.
Blood Sugar Levels Graph |
As the conclusion, snacking not always bad. Sometimes we also need it. You ought to be smart to choose the timing and type of snacks, it will not make you fat. But just keep your body stay slim. Avoid snacking at night is better. Suggested snacks for snacking are fruits, vegetables and pudding. Because when you are snacking you will get the goodness of them. Fruits and vegetables are very good for your skin. And pudding is very good for your digestive system.
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1 komentar:
Since can increase the concentration, snacking is very recommended for us as students. but be careful, don't make it as hobby. It will bring bad impact to you.