Consume snacks out of the main meals time – snacking – usually be done by generally people. Snacking mostly isn’t aiming to fid the stomach. Although, we are not hungry sometimes desire for snacking rising up. Likes another activities, snacking also has some advantages and disadvantages. Therefore it is necessary for you who usually do it to discover this.
Mostly people said that snacking especially late at night give bad impact. That statement is not wrong because at night body does not need extra energy. So it is true if snacking will increase your weight. Moreover, snacking can caused cavities because the remaining food after snacking.
On the other hand, snacking
is recommended for students. The reason is snacking will keep blood sugar
levels. Normally four hours after meal you will be hungry. It is caused by Low
blood sugar levels resulting in lower concentrations. At that
time we need to snacking some snacks. Snacks can increase blood sugar levels.
Blood Sugar Levels Graph |
As the conclusion, snacking not always bad. Sometimes we also need it. You ought to be smart to choose the timing and type of snacks, it will not make you fat. But just keep your body stay slim. Avoid snacking at night is better. Suggested snacks for snacking are fruits, vegetables and pudding. Because when you are snacking you will get the goodness of them. Fruits and vegetables are very good for your skin. And pudding is very good for your digestive system.
Arranged from :
Do you realize that we have many advantages as human being? We are granted many wonderful devices to enjoy the world. For example are eyes. With eyes, we can enjoy the beauty of the world, identifying face of each person, help us when moving, etc. But till this time, do you now how do they work?
Right, eyes can see an object when there is light. Every object in the world reflect light with different frequency which called visible spectrum ranged from red to violet. That's why, every objects have different color. Then, light which reflected to the eyes by the object will get into pupillary and continued into the lens.
In the normal eyes, our lens will focus image of the object so they will be falling into the yellow spots of retina in reverse form. After that, neurons receptor continue it in the electrical signals form to our nerve center of vision in brain. In that nerve center of vision, the electrical signals will accepted as an image through series of process. That is, the way our eyes work. Simple and fast, right?
Scheme of How The Eyes Working |
Once upon a time there was a couple lived in a palace, they were Prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran.
One day, Dewi Limaran was walking around in the garden. Suddenly, she saw disgusting ugly snail. “Yuck!” said Dewi Limaran and she threw it away into a river. She did not know that the snail was an old powerful witch.
The witch so angry, she cursed Dewi Limaran into a golden snail and threw the snail into the river.
The golden snail was drifting away in the river and got caught into a net of an old woman who was fishing in that river. The old woman was surprised to see a golden snail and she brought it back home.
When the old woman woke up in the morning, she was surprised to look that her house was cleaned, and she also had food on the table. She was thinking very hard about it. This condition was continued everyday in the morning.
The old woman was wondering to know who had done it every day. Then one night she stayed awake. She was peeping from her room and she saw her golden snail changed into a beautiful woman. The old woman approached her.
“Who are you, young girl?” asked the old woman
“I am Dewi Limaran, Ma’am. A witched cursed me. I can change back as human only at night. The curse can be broken if I hear the melody from the holy gamelan.” explained Dewi Limaran
The old woman then rushed to the palace. She talked to Prince Raden Putra about her wife. Prince Raden Putra was so happy. Finally, he found her wife. Then he prayed to God to give him the holy gamelan to break up the spell. After several days praying and meditating, finally God granted his wish. After he played it, immediately the golden snail turned into the beautiful Dewi Limaran. The couple was so happy that they could be together again. They also thanked the old woman for her kindness. As a return, they asked her to stay in the palace and they were lived in happy forever after.
kali ini saya akan berbagi cara membuat buku tamu melayang. Buat temen-temen yang belum punya buku tamu atau sudah tapi masih ingin punya buku tamu yang bisa melayang temen-temen bisa ikutin cara dibawah ini.
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Jangan Lupa Ya !!!
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Semoga bermanfaat...
A. Change Into The Passive Voice
1. Mr. T tells us to close our notebooks
- We are told to close our notebooks
2. We must write this test in a piece of paper
- This test must be written in a piece of paper
3. I should not forget my name too
- My name should not be forgotten too
4. The students speak English during the English class
- English is spoken during the English class
5. Did anyone ask any questions about me?
- Were any questions asked about me?
6. I cannot do this test during the time given
- This test cannot be done during the time given
7. We have been waiting for him all day long
- He has been being waited for all day long
8. Mr. Jack has invited you to lunch tomorrow
- You have been invited to lunch tomorrow
9. The students did not do the English test easily
- The English test was not done easily
10. Must you check the answer before you give it back?
- Must the answer be checked before you give it back?
11. We are doing the passive test in the multimedia room
- The passive test is being done in the multimedia room
12. Would you join the remedial test if you got bad mark again?
- Would the remedial test be joined if you got bad mark again?
B. Change Into The Active Voice
13. The white board has been cleaned by you
- You have cleaned the white board
14. The interview will be done in this room by us
- We will do the interview in this room
15. English was being studied diligently by them last night
- They were studying English diligently last night
16. This test must be finished in 45 minutes by the students
- The students must finish this test in 45 minutes
17. We have been being taught math by Mr. Sus for three years
- Mr. Sus has been teaching us math for three years
18. Will the coming UAN be being faced by you in the month of April?
- Will you be facing the coming UAN in the month of April?
19. The vocabulary book should be submitted by us this morning
- We should submit the vocabulary book this morning
20. Batik shirts must be worn by the students on Friday
- The students must wear batik shirts on Friday
C. Change Into Passive Voice (Two Objects)
21. Mr. Fajar is showing us his new blog
- We are being shown his new blog
- His new blog is being shown to us
22. They will be asking her several questions
- She will be being asked several questions
- Several questions will be being asked to her
23. Mrs. Nanik has been reading them another story
- They have been being read another story
- Another story has been being read for them
24. Does he tell you the new law of Archimedes?
- Are you told the new law of Archimedes?
- Is the new law of Archimedes told to you?
25. We should have given him our new projects before he came here
- He should have been given our new projects before he came here
- Our new projects should have been given to him before he came here
A. Change Into The Passive Voice
1. Mrs. K asked them to pay the school fee in time
- They were asked to pay the school fee in time
2. Should we do the remedial test in a piece of paper?
- Should the remedial test be done in a piece of paper?
3. You must not forget to write your name
- Your name must not be forgotten to write
4. Are you speaking English during the English class?
- Is English being spoken during the English class?
5. She crossed the answers several times
- The answers were crossed several times
6. We have finished doing our task before other students
- Our task has been finished doing before other student
7. Will you be waiting for them all day long?
- Will they be being waited for all day long?
8. We celebrated the 47th anniversary of our school yesterday
- The 47th anniversary of our school was celebrated yesterday
9. They were having dinner when suddenly the stove exploded
- Dinner was being had when suddenly the stove exploded
10. The teacher had punished them for something they did not do
- They had been punished for something they did not do
B. Change Into The Active Voice
11. We are invited for lunch by the headmaster
- The headmaster invites us for lunch tomorrow
12. Many students are being given the English remedial test by Mr. T
- Mr. T is giving many students the English remedial test
13. Was English being studied diligently by them last night?
- Were they studying diligently last night?
14. This test has been being finished in 45 minutes by the students
- The students have been finishing this test in 45 minutes
15. Have they been being taught math by Mr. Good for three years?
- Has Mr. Good been teaching them math for three years?
C. Change Into Passive Voice (Two Objects)
16. Has Mr. Fajar been showing them his new blog?
- Have they been being shown his new blog?
- Has his new blog been being shown to them?
17. They do not ask her several questions
- She is not asked several questions
- Several questions are not asked to her
18. Has Mrs. Nanik been reading us another story?
- Have we been being read another story?
- Has another story been being read to us?
19. Didn’t he tell you the school regulation?
- Weren’t you told the school regulation?
- Wasn’t the school regulation told to you?
20. We were Introducing him our pretty sisters last night
- He was being introduced our pretty sisters last night
- Our pretty sisters were being introduced to him last night
Bingung caranya menghapus Blog sendiri di Blogger?
Ya, nggak masalah bagi teman-teman yang ingin menghapus blognya mungkin dikarenakan beberapa alasan seperti kurang kerjaan, sudah males ngurusnya, nggak pede sama postingannya, frustasi sama tampilannya yang kaya kapal pecah, kalau melihatnya dapat meningkatkan emosi sampe mau banting apa aja yang ada di depannya (lho, malah curhat? :p), dll hehehe... maka dengan dihapusnya blog tersebut anda menjadi senang (Just KiDdIng).
Silahkan langsung login ke akun Blogger anda => Klik Menu Pengaturan => Pada sub menu "Alat Blog" anda akan melihat 3 pilihan, yaitu: Impor blog, Ekspor blog, dan Hapus blog. Maka pilihlah yang "Hapus Blog".
Setelah itu klik saja hapus blog, maka akan diarahkan ke halaman "Hapus Blog Anda". Dan sebagai langkah terakhir, silahkan klik tombol "Hapus Blog Ini"
CATATAN: Blog yang telah dihapus dapat dipulihkan dalam jangka waktu 90 hari sebelum dihapus untuk selamanya. Blog yang anda hapus tidak akan tampil di publik lagi, namun akan tetap ada di dasbor anda dengan status menunggu 90 hari, siapa tahu anda berubah pikiran, maka blog yang anda hapus tadi bisa dipulihkan kembali. (nah yang ini makin kurang kerjaan kan? :D)
Ok. Semoga ini bermanfaat ya...
Saat anda mempunyai sebuah gambar untuk digunakan sebagai heading pada blog anda terkadang kita akan memngalami kendala dalam menyesuaikan ukuran heading blog kita. Oleh karena itu kita perlu menyesuaikan pixel (satuan yang biasa digunakan) gambar kita. Cara yang kita gunakan biasanya memerlukan bantuan dari aplikasi berat seperti Adobe Photoshop atau Coreldraw. Sebenernya, ada cara lebih mudah untuk mengubah ukuran pixel gambar apabila anda menggunakan operating system Windows yakni dengan cara me-resizenya melalui Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Sebuah piranti lunak yang relative ringan untuk digunakan.
Berikut langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk meresize pixel gambar dengan menggunakan Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Gambar yang digunakan dalam contoh berasal dari doobeedoo.
Buka gambar dengan menggunakan Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Caranya, klik kanan pada gambar, pilih Open With --> Microsoft Office Picture Manager
Untuk mengedit gambar anda, silakan klik Edit Pictures di bagian atas, lalu klik Resize, seperti yang ditunjukkan gambar di bawah ini:
Ada beberapa pilihan dalam mengubah pixel gambar: berdasarkan standar yang sudah umum, custom width dan height, maupun persentase dari pixel gambar saat ini.
Jangan lupa gambar yang telah diresize disimpan ya!
Demikianlah cara meresize ukuran pixel pada gambar Anda dengan cara yang lebih mudah dan sederhana dibandingkan menggunakan Adobe Photoshop. Keuntungan yang Anda peroleh adalah tidak perlu menginstall Adobe Photoshop yang membutuhkan system requirement komputer yang relatif baik.
Selamat mencoba!